Curriculum Night Introduction to Woodworking
Woodworking & Cabinetmaking
The program of study in Woodworking & Cabinetmaking is part of the National Career Cluster called Manufacturing. To learn more about this, or any of the 16 National Career Clusters, visit:
Four possible pathways to program completion:
1. Woodworking 1 and 2 + Woodworking 3 (1 hr) + Woodworking 4 (1 hr)
2. Woodworking 1 and 2 + Woodworking 3 (1-hr) and Advanced Woodworking 1B (2-hr block)
3. Woodworking 1 and 2 + Woodworking
4. (1-hr) and Advanced Woodworking 1A (2-hr block) 4. Woodworking 1 and 2 + Advanced Woodworking 1A/1B (advanced courses each a 2-hr block)
Woodworking Brochure (Offered at Dakota High School)
4770/4790 WOODWORKING 1 / 2 (1 hr/1 yr)
Gr 9-12 0.5/0.5 credit
Prerequisite/Recommendation: None.
Woodworking 1 content includes the safe use of hand and electric power tools, safety, measurement and plan layout. Students will design and construct a project with the use of CNC programming and equipment. Students will start with a smaller project and progress to a larger one second semester. Woodworking 2 studies furniture and furniture accessory construction. Students will continue to safely use hand, power and stationary power tools. This course has been approved to meet the MMC senior year math-related credit requirement.
This full year course is approved to meet the MMC senior math-related credit requirement.
4810/4830 WOODWORKING 3 BC / 4 BC (1 hr)
Gr 10-12 0.5/0.5 credit
Prerequisite/Recommendation: Woodworking 1 and 2 with a 2.0 or higher and teacher/administrative recommendation.
Furniture construction is featured in Woodworking 3 BC. Students may elect to build or continue a large project or build several fine small projects. The project chosen shall be a challenge to the student’s ability level. Millwork and exclusive use of power tools are covered. Furniture construction and industrial process is featured with millwork and exclusive use of power tools. The student will construct a large project of his or her own choice and design. The project chosen shall be a challenge to the student’s ability level.
This full year course is approved to meet half the MMC senior year math-related requirement.
9321/9322 ADVANCED WOOD & MILLWORK/CABINETMAKING 1A/1B (2 hr) * Gr 10-12 1.0/1.0 credit Prerequisite/Recommendation: For 1A: Woodworking 1 and 2; for 1B Woodworking 1, 2 and 3 or Advanced Woods 1A.
Actual cabinet-making shop conditions are duplicated. Students will use power machinery, as well as, hand, portable electric, and air power tools. Two projects during the year will be of the student's choice. Wood experience and technology taught will enable the student to secure a job in a cabinetmaking shop or a related area of trade. This course has been approved to meet the MMC senior year math-related credit requirement.
9327/9328 ADVANCED WOOD & MILLWORK/CABINETMAKING 2A/2B BC (2 hr) * Gr 11-12 1.0/1.0 credit Prerequisite/Recommendation: Woodworking 1, 2, 3 and 4 or Advanced Woods 1A/1B.
Actual cabinet-making shop conditions are duplicated. Students will use power machinery, as well as, hand, portable electric and air-powered tools. Two projects during the year will be the student’s choice. Wood experience and technology taught will enable the student to secure a job in a cabinetmaking shop or a related area of trade. This full year course is approved to meet half the MMC senior year math-related requirement.
9331/9332 ADVANCED WOOD/MILL/CABINET INTERNSHIP 1/2 (2 hr) 9333/9334
ADVANCED WOOD/MILL/CABINET INTERNSHIP 1A/1B (1 hr) Gr 12 1.0/1.0 (2 hr) or 0.5/0.5 (1 hr) credit Prerequisite/Recommendation: Woodworking 1/2, teacher recommendation and concurrently must be enrolled in Advanced Woodworking/Millwork/Cabinetmaking.
This course provides the opportunity for senior-level students to gain a paid “on-the-job” work experience in the career area of their choice. An Individual Educational Training Plan and Training Agreement are developed for each student-trainee detailing his/her specific learning activities. This course may be taken for one or two hours. Student wages are equivalent to those earned by other trainees in that particular occupation. Note: A student who chooses the Internship course for either one or two hours is expected to meet 200 hours of work per semester. World Language Credit: Students may replace one credit of World Language with one credit of CTE when CTE is taken as a second (or additional) VPAA credit. This full year course is approved to meet half the MMC senior year math-related requirement.
Note: These CTE courses may fulfill the one credit of Visual, Performing, Applied Arts (VPAA) graduation requirement. (Two .5 or one 1.00 CTE courses are required for the successful completion to meet this requirement.)
* Articulation Agreement: Eligible students could qualify for tuition-free (articulated) college credits at Northern Michigan University based on portfolio review.
For more information, visit the following website:
Please be advised: Students who select CTE courses that require travel with our shuttle service, should opt for a 2-hr block course, if possible, as doing so minimizes the impact of lost instructional time due to traveling.
Sample 4 Year Plan Dakota High School
Sample 4 Year Plan Chippewa Valley High School
Woodworking and Cabinetmaking
Located at Dakota High School
(Available to Chippewa Valley HS)
Mr. C. Campau (Website)