Events that we participate in:
During School Hours:
- Project Alert: Will teach 1-3 booster sessions about substances to 8th graders at Algoquin Middle School; transportation provided
- Retailer Project: Students ride along with police officers from Clinton Twp. and Macomb County Sheriff’s Department to visit local businesses that sell tobacco and alcohol and provide required state signage
- SMART MOVES: Prevention & Education Drug program for 5th graders at various elementary schools
- New Student Luncheon: Panel discussion at the Main Building CVHS.
- Teen Panel: Visit the middle schools & talk about transition to the high school. (All three middle schools)
After School during the week:
- Full Coalition Meeting: The whole coalition meets at the Board Office on the second Tuesday of each month from 3:30-5. Transportation can be provided to the meeting
- Big Red Check-In: Orientation for 9th students. (must be an upper classman)
- Curriculum Night: Man a table in the evening
- Dialogue Nights: A teen panel and guest speakers will discuss with parents an identified topic such as: stress, LGBTQ, social media and others. Can be at Dakota or Chippewa High School
- Open House: Man a table in the evening
- Transition Night for the Middle Schools: Incoming freshman learn more about the Ninth Grade Center through CTC Teen Panel
- Transition Night/Stepping Up: 9th graders learn more about the main building through discussion and tours
Weekend Events:
- Drug Take back days: Assist with collecting unused prescription drugs for proper disposal at Clinton Township Police Department or Seniors Expo.
- Be Aware Suicide Walk: 5 K walk to increase awareness about suicide. (Saturday event). At Dakota
Other Activities:
- Ninth Grade Lunchroom Posters: CTC members will have an opportunity to create a 40x30 poster that conveys positive messages or drug free messaged. This poster is changed monthly
- Leadership and team building: CTC members will gain leadership training, team building skills, confidence, new friendships and respect
- Participate in other school functions: To represent CTC and assist the school
- 10th Grade transition panel
- Attended monthly Full Chippewa Valley Coalition Meetings
- Big Red Check-In: Orientation for ninth students
- Car Wreck display
- CTC Informational Lunch Meetings
- Curriculum Fair
- DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) Take Back: Assist with collecting unused prescription drugs for proper disposal at Clinton Township PoliceDepartment
- End of the year celebration
- Executive Board Meetings
- Girls Getting Ahead
- Holiday Celebration with the complete group
- Homecoming Parade
- Homecoming safety announcements
- Induction Ceremony
- Kindness Rock Garden at the Ninth Grade Center and Main Building entrances
- Know Resolve and Chippewa Valley Youth and Family Coalition: Be Awareness Suicide Prevention 5K/Walk
- Leadership Banquet
- Lunch Crunch for next year’s recruitment for Wyandot and Algonquin
- Managed all social media accounts for Big Red Pick Me Up, Instagram and Tik Tok
- Mental Health Summit Training
- Mini Virtual Presentations to the middle schools (Wyandot and Algonquin: Topics: Substance Use and the Holidays for families
- MiPhy Focus Group
- New Student Luncheon: Panel discussion at the Main Building CVHS (Chippewa Valley High School)
- New student tours
- NGC Announcements
- NGC Lunchroom and bathroom posters: CTC members had an opportunity to create a 40x30 poster that conveys positive messages or drug free messages. The posters are changed monthly.
- Parent meeting for all new members
- Project Alert: three booster sessions about substances to eighth graders at Algonquin Middle School
- Red Ribbon Announcements and 9th Grade Pledge
- Red Ribbon lunchroom table
- Recognized CTC members birthdays.
- Roller Skating Social Event for members.
- Safe Prom and Graduation Showcase, Announcements
- Stress and Anxiety lunchroom table.
- Strive 4 A Safer Drive
- Showcase
- Social Media Posts
- Several lunchrooms table.
- Distracted Driving Photo Contest
- Ford Driving Life Skills Contest
- Safe Drive Family Fair
- PSA Video with Clinton Township Police Department
- Don’t Drive Buzzed, BEE Drug-Free! T-shirts
- Suicide Awareness lunchroom table.
- Suicide Awareness showcase.
- Take What You Need Board
- Team Building for CTC members.
- Teen Panels: Visit the middle schools & talk about the importance of being active in high school. (Wyandot, Algonquin, and Iroquois)
- Three camp days
- Training offered for CTC members –
- Updated brochure and created commonly asked questions for new members.
- Vape showcases and banners.
- Various mental health lunchroom tables with resources and giveaways
- Wyandot and Algonquin Transitioning to High School: Incoming freshmen and their parents learn more about the Ninth Grade Center through CTC Teen Panel
- Various Showcases of pertinent topics
- Various Lunchroom Educational Tables