Physical Education

            Welcome to Physical Education at Algonquin Middle School! This course is designed to inform students about their physical abilities and overall physical fitness. Students in this class will partake in multiple sports as well as participate in the Presidential Physical Fitness test. The test will measure students’ level of fitness through 5 different activities. Sports units will begin with practicing skills and will lead to playing games.

Teacher:  Mr. Derek Trombley 

P.E. Teacher

6th Grade Health Teacher

Careers Teacher

Athletic Coordinator

Contact Info:


Phone- (586) 723-3598

Class Philosophy:

            The most important part of this class is student EFFORT. Unlike most classes that grade primarily on mental ability, this class is focused on the willingness of students to try. The gym is where my students come to practice. Students in my class should never feel that they are being judged by myself or by others on how well they can perform given skills. It is unrealistic to expect my students to be professional athletes by the end of the quarter. What I do expect, is that my students will make progress throughout the quarter. The amount of progress made will be different for everyone, but everyone will make progress as long as they are giving EFFORT. Winning and losing does not matter to me, but it will for students who have a competitive nature. It is my goal to teach students how to win and lose with class, and take responsibility for their own performance as well as their team’s performance. Winning in my class means becoming a better person. My goal is for every student to feel they had a successful experience in my class!

Class Procedures:

  • Students will have 7 minutes at the beginning and end of class to change clothes.
  • Students will behave appropriately while in the locker rooms.
  • After changing, students will be allowed to shoot baskets until asked to sit in their rows for attendance.
  • It is highly recommended that students do not bring valuable personal belongings to the locker room. Mr. Trombley and Mrs. Vecchio are not responsible for missing items.
  • Students are provided a lock at the beginning of the quarter and are responsible for its return at the end.
  • Students are required to bring home their gym clothes once a week (Fridays) to be washed. It is recommended that students keep a drawstring backpack in their gym lockers to transport clothes to and from home.
  • It is STRONGLY recommended students bring deodorant to keep in their gym locker. Stick or gel deodorant lasts longest and is much cheaper than the spray deodorants. Please do not bring spray deodorants such as AXE body spray. 

Class Rules:

  1. There will be NO talking while Mr. Trombley is speaking. (This is rule #1 for a reason)
  2. Students will show respect for themselves, their classmates, Mr. Trombley, and equipment.
  3. Students will be responsible for their behavior, attitude, and preparedness for class.
  4. Students will be safe.
  5. No food or drink (especially gum) is allowed in the gym or locker rooms unless approved by Mr. Trombley.
  6. Excessively long basketball shots can cause harm to students and equipment. Basketball privileges can/will be revoked.

Dress Policy:

  • Gym clothes have to only be worn in the Gym. This means students have to keep separate clothes for P.E. that must be kept in their locker. If a student wears a T-shirt to school, and participates in P.E. with that shirt, it must stay in their gym locker. This also includes layers of clothing. It is preferred that students also keep a separate pair of shoes in their locker as well.
  • Girls must have a sports bra, T-shirt or athletic tank top (no spaghetti straps!!!), and shorts or athletic leggings. Girls deemed to have inappropriate attire will have to sit out and lose participation for the day.
  • Shoes must be able to be laced and tied.


Parent Excusal from Participation:

            Students are required to provide appropriate documentation to be excused from participation. Medical documentation is required for students to be excused for medical reasons. A student who has been excused for medical reasons must also provide medical documentation clearing them to return to full participation. To save time and energy, ask to have the medical documentation filled out with a return date as well as the starting date for excusable if possible. Students who are obviously incapable of participating due to injury will be allowed to sit out without a note, but will need to obtain one as soon as possible. 


Presidential Physical Fitness Test:

            At the beginning of this class Mr. Trombley will be administering the Presidential Physical Fitness Test. It consists of 5 different activities that measure different areas of physical fitness. With the results, each student will be able to see how they compare to the national guidelines for their age and gender. This test will help students get an idea of the areas of physical fitness they are excelling at and the ones where they can improve.

National Physical Fitness


Soccer (Indoor)

Soccer (Outdoor)

Floor Hockey

Team Handball

Track & Field


Basketball (Elimination)