Our Mission Statement:
The Seneca community creates a safe environment focused on learning, respect and kindness. We are dedicated to students becoming successful citizens who achieve their highest potential.
Learning - Respect - Kindness - Success
Our Vision Statement
Our school has a positive environment where everyone feels cared for, supported and safe. The environment encourages academic excellence, school pride, teamwork, positivity, and fairness.
Our school has established clear and consistent behavior expectations that are taught and reinforced. Students are expected to put forth their best academic effort, show respect for others, and display school pride.
Our school strives for continuous, individualized academic growth as measured by a variety of assessment tools. Students are involved in setting academic and social goals and monitoring their progress. Students are recognized and rewarded for academic growth and achievement of goals.
Our staff collaborates to continuously improve instruction, including best practices in teaching and technology innovation.
Our staff works to support and challenge all students. We work to identify causes of student struggle and stress and to provide support to new students, at-risk students, high-achieving students, and other students-in-need through school counselors, peer mentors, and intervention programs.
Our staff promotes student engagement through meaningful experiences that enhance our curriculum and meet individual learning styles.
Our school community understands the importance of parent involvement in the learning process and encourages this involvement through communication and opportunities.